I’ve got a tick!
If you have a tick attached to your skin, it’s important to remove it the right way. Print this step-by-step guide and keep it handy.
Tick removal guide Guía EspañolWhere are
the ticks?
Take a look maps of where in America you’ll find the different types of disease-carrying ticks.
u.s. tick mapsWhat diseases
do ticks carry?
Click here for a list of the diseases and illnesses known to be transmitted by ticks.
Ticks & diseasesAm I sick?
Ticks can carry multiple diseases, which can have immediate and later-stage symptoms. You won’t always get immediate symptoms if you’ve contracted a disease from a tick, but there are definitely things to look out for.
Lyme SymptomsWhat else should I know about Lyme Disease?
Lyme disease is the most common tickborne disease with an estimated 300,000 new cases in the US each year. To learn more, visit the Centers for Disease Control or the Johns Hopkins Lyme Disease Research Center.
CDC Lyme Disease GuideTick FAQs
- Can I get sick from a tick that is crawling on me but didn't bite?
- How long do ticks need to stay attached to cause an infection?
- What diseases do ticks carry and do different species carry different diseases?
- How do I identify the type of tick that bit me?
- How do ticks spread disease?
- How can I prevent tick bites?
- Are ticks active in winter months?
tick talk
Get tips, updates, and reminders about protecting your family from tick-borne diseases.